‘Hillbillification’ – Encompassing all that is great about living life in the slow lane. Getting out into nature, good times with mates a chilled cider in hand.
About Hillbilly Cider
A move to an orchard in Bilpin in 2007 was Shane and Tessa McLaughlin’s inspiration for creating this local favourite Blue Mountains cider. Shane’s first batch of Hillbilly was fermented in the cellar he dug out by hand under the house.
With 20 years wine and cider making under his belt, Shane adapted techniques from time spent in the cider regions around the world including Normandy, Hereford and Somerset. He blends Aussie classic apples as well as heritage cider apples.
Hillbilly Cider is the only cider in the world that uses the Julie™ apple. The first new commercial apple discovered in the Sydney/Blue Mountains area since the Granny Smith apple 100 years ago!
The Julie™ was a chance seedling discovered by Bill and Julie Shields at their orchard located next door to the Hillbilly Cider shed
‘Hillbillification’ – Encompassing all that is great about living life in the slow lane. Getting out into nature, good times with mates a chilled cider in hand. Surrounded by world heritage national parks in Bilpin – this lifestyle was our inspiration for creating Hillbilly Cider